7. Bien construire pour avoir une empreinte limitée sur l’environnement: l’exemple du projet de nouvelle école française à Tseung Kwan O

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Building sustainable building for a lower environmental footprint. The example of the Tseung Kwan O project

Intervenants / speakers: Jean-Charles Querette (LFI/FIS), Claude Bojer Godefroy (Architecte / Architect)

Langue / language: FR

Jean-Charles Querette has been an architect for more than 15 years. He worked on many international project as the French Embassy in Jordan or the Lycée Français du Caire in Egypt. He developed a real care for sustainable design as he believes any responsible architecture today should consider environmental issues. He is the head of building development for the FIS since September 2014.

Claude Godefroy was educated in Denmark and in Paris. He is now Partner and Design Director of Henning Larsen Architects where he has led the design of major institutional projects in Asia. Claude combines the Scandinavian approach to design – with a French fondness for a larger cultural perspective in his work. Primarily he focuses on the well-being of the end users.